Natural Birth

At Home

With a Certified Nurse Midwife

Serving Mamas in Ardmore Ok

&  surrounding areas

We’d like to give you the experience of a beautiful home birth with no intervention-

We believe in the power of the human body, uninterrupted. 

Without sacrificing safety.

No more looong waiting room wait for a 7 minute visit!


We Believe in deep interpersonal connection.

We have close friendships with our clients and take time to listen.

We Believe


We offer complete pregnancy care from conception to postpartum, and we follow the same standards (including labs and ultrasounds) as any OB/GYN. Visits take place in your own home- no waiting room!! We work hard to include your family in your care. There are always lots of questions when it comes to out-of-hospital care. Please see the FAQ section and then feel free to schedule a consult for any unanswered questions :-)

Midwifery Care

Breastfeeding is a journey. Let us support you through it! We offer breastfeeding support for supply, supplementation, latch issues, and painful feeding. We specialize in tongue tie diagnosis and will guide parents regarding tie revision.

Breastfeeding Support

you! Doulas physically and emotionally support mamas throughout pregnancy, during labor, and through the immediate postpartum period. We work in a variety of settings, like hospitals and birth centers. Doulas take care of any uncertainties or hesitations you may have about you, your baby, or your labor. It feels good to always have someone on your team.

Our doula services are covered by Tricare and Soonercare insurance. We look forward to meeting you!

Doula Support